Thursday, November 10, 2011

New home!

Tomorrow we move into our new place! I am so excited! Eva can crawl all over the place and Harley can be inside too. Soon we will send for gracie too! Our family.will come together once.again.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Yup, I have them. I have anxiety about everything. And right now I'm having awful anxiety pains in my stomach. I can only wonder why.

Well its now 12:44 am and I have figured out why I felt so effin crazy.... I took 2 excedrines and they have caffeine and made me nutso! And now there is a storm on the way in and its all I can think about. Been checking the radar every 5 minutes. It's huge but about 30 miles away! I'm so tired now but so scared of the weather. Eva and I are alone in our camper.... Luckily its the closest to the cellar but its still creepy shit! Wish us luck... And safety.